[EN] You're Dead

  • You're Dead
    "Ladies & Gentlemen,

    Just so we understand each other:

    In my right hand I have a gun,

    So let's not have any problems, eh?"

    You don't know where you're going,

    You don't know where you've been

    You don't know why

    But your life is a lie,

    It goes by like a dream

    You're stuck in this rat race,

    Your job drives you insane

    You live for the bribe

    Of the next pay-rise

    And a cut-prize holiday
    You know you're getting older,

    It's not gonna stop

    You're locked inside a prison

    Where they bleed you drop by drop

    You wake up and you wonder

    Why bother getting out of bed

    You sold your soul to the corporate goal

    And you want a new life instead
    Bang, bang you're dead

    There's a gun at your head!

    But it's only a game, if they shoot you down,

    You can get up and start again

    Bang, bang you're dead

    But your blood's still running red

    If you look at your life with different eyes,

    You'll know how to start again
    You can't break out of the circle,

    Your life's not going anywhere

    Nobody's going to help you,

    'Cause none of them really care

    You could lose your life

    On a crowded street,

    They wouldn't even turn their heads

    It's all gone wrong,

    The pressure's too strong,

    Better get a new life instead
    You don't know where you're going,

    You don't know where you've been

    You can open your eyes and the innocence dies

    And your past life is a dream

    Dead but your blood keeps pumping,

    Dead but your heart still beats

    You know why you're here, you know who you are

    And you know who you wanna be
    Bang, bang you're dead

    There's a gun at your head!

    But it's only a game, if they shoot you down,

    You can get up and start again
    Bang, bang you're dead

    There's a gun at your head!

    But it's only a game, if they shoot you down,

    You can get up and start again
    Bang, bang you're dead!

    Bang, bang you're dead!

    So down on luck, it feels like nothing's enough,

    You should get a new live instead
    Bang, bang you're dead

    But your blood's still running red

    If you look at your life but with different eyes,

    You'll know how to start again

    Toten Hosen - Unsterblich Toten Hosen -  Schön sein


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