Beiträge von Mr.Breitkopf

    nur in englisch :D

    he old natives of Australia

    The first people who came to Australia were the Aboriginal people. They came to Australia about 60,000 years ago. Aborigines means peoples from the nature. They are the right natives of Australia. Aborigines inhabited every part of Australia. Different groups evolved differently in different parts of Australia and today there are hundreds of cultures and languages in Australia. Till the first contact with the “White men” in 1650, the population of the Aboriginal people was about 400.000 people. They had 700 different races and 260 different languages. Today only 100 of these languages are left. Later in 1000 B.C. the natives settled down and started to build canoes with which they went hunting. They hunted animals, birds and reptiles were also caught and cooked on an open fire. Aboriginal people always lived and gathered together in family groups. Usually they lived in camps of gunyas (bark huts), but people also lived in caves or in the open air. Each family group had a headman or Elder who was the leader. He decided where to go with the camp. Each day, various members of the group had to leave the camp to go hunting or to gather food and to return to the camp to share the catch with others.

    Aborigines today

    Today the Aborigines are in trouble. Many have left their traditional lifestyle and have moved to cities. There is a 40% unemployment rate in the Aborigine population. Many of them are discriminated by the Australians. Even the police and government discriminate against Aborigines. The situation of the Aborigines in Australia is similar like the situation with African Americans in The United States. Australia still has a long way to go before Aborigines have equal rights.

    Ein Österreicher hat einen kleinen Unfall und einige kleine Dellen im Auto
    Da kommt ein Bayer vorbei und sagt zu ihm: "Du musst kraftig in den Auspuff
    blasen, da druckt's die Dellen wieder raus"
    Der Bayer fahrt weiter und der Osterreicher denkt sich, das kann ich ja mal probieren
    Er blast und blast
    Da kommt die Polizei vorbei und fragt ihn, was er da macht
    Er sagt, ein Bayer hat ihm gesagt, um die Dellen herauszubekommen, solle er in den Auspuff blasen
    Da fangen die Polizisten an zu lachen und sagen:
    "Wenn das Schiebedach auf ist, kann das naturlich nicht funktionieren"